Friday, September 15, 2017


Yesterday, at long last, I’d finally been above to resolve the issues I’d been having with the re-edited manuscript for my debut MG/YA Paranormal romance novel, “I Kissed a Ghost.” I’d finished making the suggestions made by the line editor I’d gotten from CreateSpace, and I wanted to take about three days to rest. When I came back and opened the file, the document was in shambles; the manuscript was there, as were all the deletions and additions in blue. Despite all my efforts in trying to return to workable file I could format and send off to CreateSpace to prepare the interior of the book, I got nowhere.

I finally got a friend and good neighbor to help me out, since I was almost a month behind schedule in re-releasing the book. She carefully copied the entire manuscript and then pasted it into a new file, and it worked; and I was busy for several hours making sure each page was correct, saving it several times along the way. I don’t know what she did, because I’d tried doing the same thing a few times; but without much success. I finished reviewing the formatting of the entire manuscript shortly after midnight.

After I woke up this morning and had a mug of my morning Joe, black and sweet I sat down to write the copyright, my other endeavors, and dedication pages. Now, all I’ve got to do is to wait for the offices of CreateSpace to open, so they can help me remove all the comments left by the line editor which still exist on the document.

With only approving the print copy and KINDLE conversion left to do, this endeavor is now practically out of my way.

When I get into situations where I can’t move forwards on any of my writing endeavors, for whatever the reason, I switch into writing book reviews; and since my last update I’ve written eight with one more being done later today. Right now I’ve got 593 reviews written under my belt on Amazon-US and elsewhere, here’s the link if anyone is interested in reading any of them:

This morning I found a fantasy romance short story I’d written over two years which I’ve started to edit, and making it a bit erotic at the same time. I’ve now got two writing endeavors left to finish under this name to finish; with the rate of my writing depended on how fast I can raise the necessary funds to get the endeavor self-published.

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