Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Remember the days when you started college and had to decide what would be your career for the rest of your life; that is unless you already knew.  Job descriptions are fine but they don’t really tell you the truth.

In his book, Will Jelbert has cut to chase and gives his readers the true essence of each career in verse.

Take Advertiser for example. We all basically know those in this career are continuously crying out that we should buy a certain product, just like the town crier of the past who cried out the time and saying ALL IS WELL. We all understand those in this career will do almost anything to accomplish this goal to get your cash so that their product will become your trash, including lying.

To best enjoy this book you should read each career, STOP and then quietly contemplate about what you’ve read, so you can enjoy the humor in it.

Besides being an Author, I’m also a Book Reviewer. Not seeing my 2nd second career listed I decided write one on my own


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As you probably can tell, I totally enjoyed this quick read and why I’m giving it 5 STARS.

UK:  https://www.amazon.co.uk/review/R183S3ND7XNNYK

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