Saturday, February 22, 2014

BOOK REVIEW - "Christmas Cracker"





R.L. Cherry



Heather and Jonathan were quite well financially yet you could never associate their relationship as one of those belonging to the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. This became quite evident when Morgana [Morg to her friends] who work as a P.I. had to come to Heather’s aid, protecting her from Jonathan.  Needless to say Heather now consider Morg as one of her best friends, not so much for a friend, but for some protection.


Heather wants to repay Morg for everything she has done for her, and invites Morg to come with her to England to spend Christmas these in a “castle,” but has alterative motive for doing it. Morg reluctantly agrees.


Heather became a P.I. in part due to real love of Sherlock Holmes, and now being in his homeland little did she know that she would soon become involved with solving a series of events, seemingly unconnected to all those involved in the story. Morg must now become a female Holmes, and using all of her Sherlockian reasoning to completely resolve which had happened, making sure to explain how all the events of the past few days had indeed been connect.


I’m a lover of Sherlock Holmes. I’ve seen all the movies with Basil Rathbone, I’ve seen with BBC television series [1954-1955] with Ronald Howard on NetFlix, as well as the entire series with Jeremy Brett, and the first two seasons with Benedict Cumberbatch playing Holmes.  Given this I’d surmised what had been going on regard the key event for the same reasons Morg gives at the end of the novel.  I became surprised as Morg explained everything which had occurred, which for some reason I’d missed detecting as I read the story.  There are numerous twists which come to light at the end of the novel, so much so, that once things had started to be revealed I couldn’t put the damn novel down and go to sleep. [Finally went to bed at around 2:30 AM]


It’s a superb mystery tale which should be a definite read by all lovers of this genre. This is the first time I’ve read anything in this genre and by R.L. Cherry and will probably consider reading some more. To my surprise is a male who has managed to pin down Morg’s characteristics quite successfully.   The only negative thing I found in reading this novel is that at times the writing became a little too passive for me, but this has not distracting me from giving this book 5 STARS.


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