Thursday, November 14, 2013


My prediction came true again concerning my inability to keep to my commitment to write a chapter a day. Monday had been the last day for my OH to be with me for the entire day, so we spent the day getting our hair cut and dyed. Yes, we both dye our hair; how else will we be able to look a little younger than we are. After taking care of our hair we went to have some Baked Eggplant Parmesan, fried is out due to our diets.

Tuesday became a day in which I spent a great deal going through the hundreds of emails I hadn’t had a chance to read. I also had to take care of the backlog of posts needing to be approved as well as the requests to join the three LinkedIn groups I own.  If this wasn’t enough I also had to deal all the requests to follow on Twitter, the requests to become my friend on FaceBook, as well the confirmations of the friend request I made; each of these had to be answered individually.
Yesterday, Wednesday, had a day full of prior commitments, from my monthly meeting of the retiree club for the union I once belong to [9 AM to 4 PM including the time using public transportation] and an important community meeting [6:30 PM to 10 PM]; I wound up with no time to write a single word.

Luckily a sense of normalcy has begun to return today. I cleaned up all of my emails and items related to my presence on the internet. I then responded to Lillie McFerrin’s prompt word of “LETTERS” to this week Five Sentence Fiction.  Of course I had to watch two episodes of Season Three of StarTrek: Enterprise streaming on NetFlix to catch up with the entertainment I’ve missed during this same period of time.
As the final hours of Thursday approached I finally sat down and wrote my one chapter daily commitment, this one consisted of five pages and approximately 1,100 words.

My Total Manuscript Count now stands at:
Chapters = 25
Pages = 172
Words = 50,096


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