Sunday, July 15, 2012


I had made a steady progress from July 6th, typing three doubled-spaced pages a day. The words were floating from my mind to the keyboard of my computer—appearing on the screen for me to see. But alas, after seven days, the steam I had going through these last few miles of the “tunnel” finally gave out, and I’ve crept to a dead stop on Friday the 13th of all days [BTW - I”M NOT SUPERSTITIOUS]. It feels like being on a huge roller coaster where you’ve just come down a looong descend and now must struggle up the next ascend before becoming able to coast downwards again.

Yesterday became a day of rest, clearing my mind of all distractions in the hope of getting a new clean slate on which I can write anew. And today Sunday, is a different day, a different day which I spent most of at the Nyack Street Fair, in Nyack, New York.

Although, the sky was threatening, it didn’t rain. All-in-all it was a great day where I bought some goodies and ate some great Thai food. The best thing of all was meeting a vendor named Jonathan…a name of a character in the beginning of my story who Mary kissed in the corner of the children’s department at Macy’s a day before she had moved away. His named echoed in my mind as I drove home, an echoing which stay me the idea of how I can continue my story while at the same time bring him back into, abeit it will be only for a cameo, it will provide some closure to what had occurred earlier.

With this idea giving birth to additional ideas I can definitely renew my writing tomorrow after sleeping on everything through the night.

THANKS for being here :-) :-) :-)

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